You can soon access the Lord Mayor's Costume Balls in Sydney in 1857 and 1879 project data through two different interfaces: the project's Blazegraph SPARQL endpoint, and a custom-built graphic user-interface. You can also navigate further down the page for downloads of our original costume ball attendance list data as .CSV and of the project RDF (in .TTL and .RDF/XML).

This interface has been developed to enable users unfamiliar with writing SPARQL queries to explore the underlying project data. For those looking to write their own SPARQL queries, please refer to our Documentation and Publications page to see the underlying ontological structure.

The Lord Mayor's Costume Balls in Sydney in 1857 and 1879 project RDF can soon be queried using our SPARQL endpoint. We will provide some sample queries on this page, which you can just copy-paste into the endpoint and run.

If you're new to SPARQL, but fancy learning it, perhaps have a look at this Linked Data tutorial on the MetoDHology website. We also recommend the Programming Historian's: Introduction to the Principles of Linked Open Data.

If you have any questions, notice bugs, or encounter any issues, please drop us an email. All feedback, comments, and bug squashing are much appreciated.

Image of Ball1

Explore with SPARQL

Access the Lord Mayor's Costume Balls in Sydney in 1857 and 1879 project RDF and query it using the SPARQL endpoint.

Blazegraph SPARQL endpoint »

Image of Ball2

Project .CSV

Access the Lord Mayor's Costume Balls in Sydney in 1857 and 1879 project original costume ball guest list as .CSV files

Download .CSV»

Image of Ball3

Project RDF

You can download a copy of the Lord Mayor's Costume Balls in Sydney in 1857 and 1879 project RDF.

Download RDF»